An Aspiring Educator

The CEA Aspiring Educators program offers unique opportunities in professional development, community outreach, leadership, and networking for future teachers all over the state. These opportunities support and supplement a future teacher’s preparation and entry into the teaching profession. CEA Aspiring Educators are also members (and receive the benefits) of the Connecticut Education Association, the National Education Association, and the NEA Aspiring Educators Program.

Annual membership in CEA’s Aspiring Educators is only $25, yet between student loans, unpaid student teaching requirements, edTPA, and more, pre-service teachers often have tremendous financial responsibilities and few resources.

When you sponsor an aspiring educator, your $25 gift helps ensure a bright tomorrow for Connecticut’s public schools.

Sponsor an Aspiring Educator Today!

When you click the button above, the first page of the form will ask you to enter and confirm your name. On the following page, the cost to sponsor one aspiring educator is $25.

  • Select “CEA5-CEA Aspiring Educator sponsorship” under payment description,
  • click “enter” above the “Select Payment Method” box to enter your credit card or bank account information, and
  • in the last box select payment to “CE Association.”
Sponsor an Aspiring Educator